Thursday, April 7, 2011

tulip wind chime

I wished so much to be one of the winner of Kreasi Cerah Menakjubkan by Catylac Dulux, but unfortunately not, ahiiikkkssss:p this wind chime is what I sent to compete.
do you know what makes me join this competition??? 5 winner will have a trip to netherland, along with 25 millon cash:D oh sooo tempting isn't it? the winners were announced yesterday, hemmnnn... I am actually very curious, their creation must be very awesome!!! congratulation to you all>:D<


  1. waa..aku juga tadinya pgn ikutan mbak,,ngiler sm hadiah jalan2nya jg,,hihi..
    tapi apa daya,waktunya ga sempat,,

    tetap smangat mbak ^^

  2. hahaha iya aku jg itu dibela-belain, bikin n kirim tgl 31:P ganbatte!!!

  3. itu hadiahnya cihuy bgt yaaa.. *amazed*
    anyway, tulip wind chime' nya kalo dibikin kalung, oke gak ya? *membayangkan*


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